Teaching styling?
No way.
Feeling styling?
Luxury items?
Branded items?
Contemporary pieces?
Vintage finds?
Secondhand treasures?
No-label gems?
All yes. But only if you can feel the character and DNA of each piece.
When you connect with the DNA, not just the label, styling becomes effortless.
When your own character and DNA translate into an image, styling becomes second nature.
When you wear who you are—instead of letting clothes define you—styling is easy.
Styling rules?
Not a chance.
Our goal has always been to bring out the best version of you—not a replica of some well-crafted image.
It’s your DNA we’re looking for.
Someone once asked Michelangelo about his process:
“The sculpture was already there. I just had to chisel away the superfluous material.”
I recently met the owner of a prestigious showroom in Milan—a stunning woman in her forties, who could easily access any luxury brand in the world.
She wore vintage denim and an oversized sweater.
Her response?
“It’s a $100 outfit from a kilo store in NY.”
Be authentic with every step.
There’s no perfect outfit.