Personalized shopping from anywhere you are

Book your online shopping appointment

Discover our live shopping service!
Arrange an online appointment with one of our expert stylists and explore our latest collections. Get tailored recommendations, styling tips, and exclusive offers—all in real-time. Schedule your appointment now and elevate your shopping experience.

Don't miss out!

Book a 45 minute one-on-one live shopping session and our expert stylists will guide you through our exclusive collections, answer any questions you may have, and help you find the perfect pieces to elevate your wardrobe.

Check out the available time slots below


Step 1

Choose your preferred time from the available slots on the calendar below, selecting a day that suits you best.
You can always go back to change it before confirming your booking in step 2.

Step 2

On the following screen, kindly provide your name and email address. This will allow us to send you the confirmation of your booking.

Step 3

Upon confirmation, you will receive a link for our video call via email. Please note that the link will only be active for the duration of our 45-minute appointment.

For items purchased from our sales collection all sales are final.
Returns or refunds are not available, and we do not accept cash on delivery payments for these items.
Thank you for your understanding.