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Mon to Sat 10:00-17:00 (GMT+2)
Pickup currently unavailable at WHITE BOUTIQUES VOULA
Leather Basketball Shoes with multicolored inserts
- Logoed Tear
- Internal Heel Lift of 3cm
- 100% Cattle Leather
- Sizes in cm: 36=23.8 / 37=24.5 / 38=25.2 / 39=25.9 / 40=26.6 / 41=27.3
The Whites embrace fashion and styling from all over the world, as pure or provocative it may be...
In W we trust
As Seen on
our story
The Whites was established in 2011 by George Filtsos. We have a passion for introducing emerging brands alongside luxury labels, blending fashion trends with a refined aesthetic.
At The Whites, we're driven by instinct, shaping our boutique experience and sharing it with our clientele. Fashion and styling aren't just commercial endeavors—they're instincts, they're White.